Here you will find links to projects at home and abroad that we work with or are friends with or that we simply like.
Newspaper of the ASZ
Alliances in which the ASZ is involved
- Wo Unrecht zu Recht wird (Where injustice becomes justice)
- Allianz gegen Racial Profiling (Alliance against racial profiling)
Human rights
Counseling centers
Legal advice (free of charge):
- Freiplatzaktion Zürich – Legal aid for asylum and migration
- ZBA – Zurich counseling center for asylum seekers
Legal advice (at little cost):
Other advice centers:
- SPAZ – Sans Papiers Contact Point Zurich
- FIZ Advocacy and Support for Migrant Women and Victims of Trafficking
Medical Assistance
- Meditrina – Medical contact point (for undocumented migrants)
- Outpatient clinic for victims of torture and war at Zurich University Hospital
Anti-racist collectives, NGOs and alliances
- Bleiberecht Bern (Right to stay Bern)
- Collectif R (Lausanne)
- FC Lampedusa St. Pauli (Hamburg)
- Solidarité sans Frontières
Autonomous Schools, meeting places, free German courses, etc.
- Association La Red Fribourg
- Autonome Schule Biel
- Autonome Schule Frauenfeld
- Autonome Schule Luzern
- City Plaza Hotel (Athen)
- denk:mal (Autonome Schule Bern)
- Infoshop Kasama
- maiz – Autonomes Zentrum von und für Migrantinnen
- Maxim Theater (Zürich)
- openki (Platform für open education)
- Solinetz Zürich
Projects of which we are a member or which we support:
- Projekt Züri City Card
- A4 Druck-Kollektiv
- Solikarte – solidarity shopping
- Watch the Med Alarmphone Schweiz
- Lauf gegen Rassismus (Race Against Racism)